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Rolling Defense and Disengaging
Marine Fighting Squadron 251

The Rolling Defense is a defensive tactic executed when one aircraft in the section is trailing the other, and both are being pursued by one or more bandits. The pilot out in front is considered the free fighter, while the trailing pilot is engaged.

To execute the Rolling Defense:

1) The engaged fighter calls the maneuver:

[Pilot], bandits my six, roll! IE,
"Red Four, bandits my six, roll!

2) The free fighter pulls up and begins grabbing altitude.

3) The engaged fighter will then pass beneath him, drawing the bandit(s) along with him.

4) The free fighter rolls over the top to drop in behind the pursuing bandits, and alerts his wingman with the "On" call. He then either shoots them off the engaged fighter's tail, or forces them to disengage.

5) Immediately once all bandits break off pursuit, the free fighter gives the "Off" call, alerting his wingman his tail is now clear.

6) The engaged fighter is now considered the free fighter, and will begin grabbing altitude. The free fighter is now engaged and will maintain his course, drawing the bandits under his wingman, who will roll over the top and drop behind them to clear them off. This process continues to repeat so long as the section is under threat.

Rolling Defense can be utilized at any time one member of the section is trailing behind his wingman.


Periodically, the section may find themselves in a bad situation and must escape. If this is the case, one pilot should issue this command:

"[Pilot], bug out [Direction]!" IE:
"Red One, bug out West!"

Both pilots would then turn out west and make a maximum speed attempt to withdraw. Once on general course, an exact heading can then be defined. This will force the enemy into a tail chase, and the Rolling Defense can then be used to cover the section's withdrawal from the engagement area.